Resources for Teachers and Schools

Visit our Financial Wellness Center

Partner with us to empower your students with essential financial knowledge and money management skills. Our enthusiastic team offers free, engaging lessons tailored to meet your students’ needs while aligning with state and national standards. Each lesson lasts 45 to 50 minutes but can be adjusted to fit your schedule.

Don’t miss this chance to enhance your student’s education!

Elementary School Presentation

Elementary School Lessons

  • Wants Vs. Needs: In this lesson, students will participate in an engaging lesson about determining what is a want and what is a need.


  • Earnie’s Grocery Store: Teach your students about shopping on a budget through this hands-on lesson! In this activity, students get to experience what it’s like to be an adult by planning out a days’ worth of meals for their family of 4 and then visit the “grocery store” to shop for their items. Depending on the age/skill level of your students, this activity can be tailored to include lessons about scarcity, wants vs. needs, savings, and more.


  • My First Business: Put your students’ creativity to the test in this interactive activity all about entrepreneurship and making money! Students will learn about what it means to be an entrepreneur before diving in to create their own business plan, complete with a name and what they do, who they service, and even what their jingle would be! *Optional: After the activity, students can pitch their business ideas to the rest of the class!

Middle School Lessons

  • Money PersonalitiesIn this 45-minute lesson, students will explore their personal attitudes towards money. They will then work as a group to gain a better understanding of how people with different money personalities can work together.
  • The Budget ChallengeThe perfect introduction to creating a spending plan, this presentation is an aged-down version of our Reality Fair. This in-classroom activity challenges students to make it through a month without running out of money. Students will pick from various professions, learn about NET vs. GROSS income, roll dice to determine if they have kids, and then get to decide what their expenses will look like.
Middle School Lesson Plans from NCCYou
High School Lesson Plans from NCCYou

High School Lessons

  • Budgeting 101Aligned to both state and national standards, this presentation covers topics like creating a budget, setting SMART goals, and having a financial plan that aligns with your goals and values.
    • The Credit SystemKnowing your way around the credit system is helpful in many situations: buying a house, getting a loan, applying for a job, or even renting an apartment. In this lesson, students get to review mock credit reports and learn about the credit bureaus. They will also learn about the components of a credit score and what impacts it – positively or negatively.
    • Intro to LendingIn this interactive lesson, students have the opportunity play the role of a loan shark with the goal being to make the most money off the loans they give people. Throughout this activity, students will learn about various types of loans, the importance of understanding loan terms, and the differences between good and predatory lenders.
WATCH – Lakeview Christian Academy kids learn about budgeting at Reality Fair
WATCH – Rock Ridge students receive a Bite of Reality as students get a chance to try buying on a budget

Teachers create your classroom using our Financial Wellness Center

Give us a call to learn more about the resources available to you!

Courses, Calculators, Assessments, and More!

Earning a living course NCCYou

Earning a Living

17 minutes

Financial Health Course NCCYou

Financial Health

5 minutes
Buying a Home Course NCCYou

Buying a Home

10 minutes

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NCCYou is committed to providing a valuable educational experience by offering presentations that are credible, engaging, and cover benchmarks for personal finance that can be found under Minnesota Social Studies and Economics Standards set forth by the MN Department of Education as well as National Standards for Personal Financial Education Published by Jump$tart and the Council for Economic Education.

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